Whatever industry you're in, whatever idea you might have, starting the conversation is the best way to move forward.
You might be using this form to get in touch about a bug or error you've found on one of our websites. That's cool too. If this is the case then please let me know which website you are referring to so that I can get to the bottom of the bug as quickly as I can.
If you want to talk to me about the possibility of collaborating in some way, then we're all ears. Strategic partnerships can really help businesses achieve more growth - and that applies to all sectors, so if even if you think we might not be interested, please do get in touch.
Once you've completed the contact form below (you can email or write instead), you can expect to hear from me within a couple of working days. If you're lucky I'm sometimes found tapping away on my keyboard during the weekend, too.
I'll make sure that I read your email objectively, and if I can see how we can work together for mutual benefit we can perhaps discuss your idea(s) over a coffee or pint of real ale somewhere close to you.
Don't worry, we'll keep it friendly and informal all the way. I don't really like red tape so you'll find me relaxed, and without any obligation. I hope the real ale is good, too.
Come on, get in touch.
If you want to discuss your next project with us, then don't hesitate to get in touch.
CliqTo Ltd, 1 Brassey Road, Old Potts Way
Shrewsbury, Shropshire, SY3 7FA
CliqTo Ltd is registered and fully compliant with the Information Commissioner's Office who are responsible for enforcing the Data Protection Act 1998. - registration number ZA135123.